Tasty Tuesday: Spinach dip and pizza cups
One of my goals this week is to make enough money to really stock up on groceries and make some of the delicious things I’ve been posting lately—not just because I want to, but because Wood Sprite now wants to be a chef (in addition to the current list of careers and hobbies she harbors)! She’s addicted to Taste Buds and wants to take even more cooking classes (so I need to make enough to pay for those, too!), and she wants to go to a cheese shop and try new cheeses. Sounds good to me!
Here are some tasty looking recipes for the week:
Ooey gooey spinach dip. It’s not really called ooey gooey but it sure looks like it is to me.
“Cheesy Trash Dip” looks like a complete sinful indulgence that I may have to make every birthday. And Mother’s Day. And maybe once a month…
And here’s another ooey gooey treat: Pizza Cupcakes! They’re pretty much just deep dish mini pizzas. If you like thinner pizzas, try making them with tortillas.
I must have these tart cherry jargaritas! OK, they’re not for the whole family (unless you skip the booze) but they looked too darn good to not include this week.
This blackberry rosemary punch looks amazing, too. I love blackberry sage lemonade, so I’m betting this will be just as good. And this blackberry jam with Pinot looks pretty incredible, too! Of course, I’m also just a sucker for anything with blackberries in it—especially blackberry cobbler with ice cream.
Try any of these seven ingredients to supercharge your smoothie.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia