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Ohtani-mania: San Diego playing the Long Game

So everyone's writing everything Shohei Ohtani, and with good reason.  This guy has invigorated baseball in a way I've not seen in my 36 years of life (granted, only twenty of those were spent paying any meaningful attention to baseball...), and the situation surrounding him is (superlative of your choice) fascinating.

It's probably unsurprising to discover that I, too, am going to write about Shohei Ohtani.  Why?  Because he's interesting, and because he's made me think about baseball again.  For that, he (and his representation, if I'm being cynical) has my gratitude.


Shout - moethedog - 3/11/16 6:47am

<p>Matt, as I was composing the post below I called it the Cult of Trump. I dropped the phrase but am glad you hit the spot."Cult-like" works just as well. The more Trump is exposed the more his camp doubles down, throwing good #Money after bad. Once you made the emotional investment in any cult you're done. Goodness knows we need a Rubio win in #Florida to help stop the madness. Rubio, btw, was excellent last night.</p>

Shout - Xtreme19 - 3/9/16 7:29pm

<p>Tonight I had #Election judge training....majorly BORING!!! (and a waste of taxpayer #Money!)</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - Xtreme19 - 3/9/16 7:30pm<br><p>I have been an election judge for 4 years now and I have go to training before every election...OMG I was so bored!!</p>
</div><div class="indented">Reply - Xtreme19 - 3/9/16 7:31pm<br><p>It doesn't matter if someone has been doing this for years, they will still have the same exact same questions!!</p>

Shout - MtGrizzly - 3/9/16 6:13am

<p>I don't think Kasich has much of a chance, to be honest. He's playing for VP now. The interesting thing to watch will be the #Republican Donor/Chamber of Commerce/Lobbyist class. They might not want to say it yet but I would wager #Money that they would rather have Trump than Cruz. They know they can work with Trump and they probably know to ignore the 'carnival barker' media manipulation techniques that he employs. They don't even need to support him - just starve the other candidates of $$. </p>

Shout - GLS - 2/26/16 8:17pm

<p>Anyone catch that Joey Bats is asking for crazy #Money from the Blue Jays? 5 years/$150 million as an extension to his current deal, so the first $30 million installment would start next year, in his age 36 season. If I'm the Blue Jays, I let him play out the season and then wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. I might buy him a nice watch as a parting gift.:)</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - SABR Matt - 2/26/16 8:25pm<br><p>Agreed...he's good...he's not 30 mil/year and five years good.</p>

Shout - OBF - 2/22/16 3:19pm

<p>Yeah, the blurb made it seem like his agent got in trouble for helping him, but reading the full article shows the opposite, so my bad on misrepresenting the article before I read the whole thing... Question still stands (and you answered it) how will all the drama effect Martin this season... I hope it puts a chip on his shoulder and a fire under his bum and he goes out and earns many times the #Money that his agent stole from him :)</p>

Shout - NJWriter - 2/22/16 6:57am

<p>@mama - you can get seedling trees for not so much #Money. because we have a good sized lot it might be our most economical option</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - NJWriter - 2/22/16 6:57am<br><p>Plus if we become members of the arbor day foundations we get a few tree seedlings too</p>
</div><div class="indented">Reply - mamacrunchNJ - 2/22/16 7:32am<br><p>That is a great idea...</p>


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