Two Men Sue City because of Dumb, Drunk Cop
What do you do when you feel there’s been some sort of injustice but the one who committed it doesn’t have enough money to satisfy you? Why, sue the city, of course! As is the case with a pair of men that want to gouge
Of course, the cop was off-duty and drunk at the time. So how is this the fault of the city? Are they expected to follow their officers around even when they’re not working just to make sure they don’t do something stupid? If it was an off-duty mailman would the lawsuit be more or less valid?
There is a slight problem in that the officer was reportedly drunk while on-duty earlier in the day. If it can be proven that this was the case, then the city has serious problems. The only redeeming thing to come out of this tragedy is that the officer in question faces up to 25 years in prison. Maybe this will cause other cops to stop thinking that they’re so invincible that they can do whatever they want?
Photo courtesy of Charles de Jesus via Wikicommons