New column! Fortune 500 Forum :- ) :: crowd goes wild ::
:: buried in crumpled Dixie Cups ::
Ahem. :: taps microphone ::
A Tale of Two Engines, Dept.
In the late 80's and early 90's, Boeing launched a critical new program, the one that produced the 777 jumbo jet. Only two engines, but transatlantic. Quality Assurance was critical, because the FAA wasn't going to sign off on two-engine ocean flights unless ... well, you get the idea.
With programs like this, there is just a leeeeetle bit more at stake than a 71-91 won-loss record. It isn't like Boeing execs have less pressure on them than does Howard Lincoln.
They put a bright young 30-something executive in charge of their sparkly-new Quality Assurance department. Think Keanu Reeves.
This bright young executive needed, in turn, an ideas man, somebody who could help him move QA into the next generation. That ideas man happened to be ... guess who? You got it. 'twas Your Humble Correspondent.
Keanu was not messing around, when he said he wanted to go next-generation. Before Keanu hired Dr. D, he put Dr. D through a long series of interviews. In these, Dr. D was required to demonstrate new ideas, respond to skeptical questions, and the like... one time Dr. D was asked to produce a list of 20 different process improvements to the QA system.
Something which, by the way, had Dr. D wallowing in white boards and dry-erase markers.
This bright young executive wanted real improvement. And so he wanted outside consultants, people who had NOT worked inside the system, people who could bring ...
We Been Putting Planes In the Air for 40 Years, Dept.
There are good reasons to hire from within. There are good reasons for groupthink. There are times when the priority is to get everybody on the same sheet of music. Sometimes you need to stop asking questions, and just get the final print into the can.
This, however, wasn't the time.