<p>I've gone back and forth on that in my mind, Matt. On the one hand, trying to be 'all things to all people' is a generally a bad business strategy. As you say, it dilutes the mission. On the other hand, the name is #Seattle Sports Insider, not Mariners Insider. If they can manage to use the Mariner-first model to help build similarly loyal and engaged fan communities for other #Seattle Sports, well, that would be a good thing. Of course, if you want to build that, all of the conversations for every sport cannot be in one shout box. </p>
<p>The boxing stuff is the clear outlier to me, since the posts really have nothing to do with #Seattle Sports. </p>
<p>Regardless, it's interesting to see it evolve. I don't mind the technical issues that come from iterative development - that's par for the course these days for good reason. The rule of the game in software, and especially web apps, is to make small iterative changes, get them into the hands of users quickly, get their feedback, rinse, lather and repeat. That simple model has been akin to steroids for innovative development. I don't know how many days it was between the post I saw where someone requested genre specific shout conversations but it wasn't more than a week or so before that suggestion was implemented. Important to note that this request came from the community here. I'm sure the klat product folks are observing our reactions.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - anonymous - 9/22/15 3:45pm<br>Agree.. noone likes change, but if we didn't change people would still be smoking while pregnant and using lead paint</div><div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 9/25/15 10:45am<br>change is inevitable and as people from all over the country find these sites whether they are Seattle sports fans or Seattle sports haters....it will be intersting to see what happens when the worlds collide. </div>
Shout - MtGrizzly - 9/18/15 11:25am
Chat: 9/7/15 1:32am
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