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Less Police Presence - A Curse or a Boon?

The police slowdown has had many effects on the way the streets of New York are looking lately. Some are pleased that they don’t have to endure being stopped on a regular basis because they look suspicious. Others, however, are feeling like their streets are returning to a darker, more dangerous state of being. These mixed feelings are particularly prominent in some of the city’s more crime-ridden neighborhoods.

Many have expressed a fear of going out on the streets at night or letting their children go out alone. There hasn’t been a noticeable increase in crime yet, but these residents remember a time when murders, assaults and other such things were regular occurrences. Still, there are others that feel as if a constant police presence was oppressive. To them, a lack of patrol cars actually makes them feel safer. It’s a strange conundrum and the full effects of the slowdown may take a little longer to make themselves known.


Photo courtesy of Adam E. Moreira via Wikicommons

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