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Police Harass Human Rights Lawyer for Standing

New York experiences tons of grief every week. People get shot, people are robbed, and tourists are beat up in the backs of taxis. But one group of police officers knows how to fix everything - get the loiterers! Yup, police are nailing people for standing still in places that they shouldn’t. Only this time they happened to bust a prominent human rights lawyer.

The lawyer in question was waiting for her husband and children to use the bathroom and some police came along and told her to stop standing still. They pressed her up against a wall and illegally searched her things before arresting her for three separate charges. Naturally, the lawyer is striking back. Let that be a lesson to police - if you’re going to abuse your power, make sure you do it on poor people that can’t fight back. It’s much easier to get away with then.


Photo courtesy of Fernando Serna via Wikicommons

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