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Urban Explorers Capture the Beauty of a Forgotten NYC

There are many forgotten places in a city as large as New York. These empty remnants of the past would go unseen if not for those that choose to not only risk their lives, but break the law in the process. They’re known as urban explorers and they make it their life’s duty to go where others fear to tread.

Unfortunately, the city and the police aren’t so keen on these people delving into abandoned buildings, old railway systems, sewers and the like. The government has a firm policy of keeping people from trespassing and, perhaps more importantly, keeping people from getting hurt and then trying to sue the city. But still the urban explorers press on. And they capture some truly amazing pictures while they roam, giving the rest of the world the chance to see the beauty of urban decay. If you’re interested in checking out some of these pictures, you can subscribe to any number of New York explorer Instagrams.


Photo courtesy of Tuna-baron via Wikicommons

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