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Spider-Man Goes Crazy, Harasses NYC Lady

While most may think of Spider-Man as one of New York’s most famous fictional saviors, some poor lady ended up seeing ol’ Webhead at his worst. Apparently, back in February, a man dressed up in a Spider-Man costume tried to assault her in Times Square. According to reports, Spidey was swearing at her. She retaliated with a handful of thrown snow. Then Spidey tried to knock her flat.

The altercation resulted when the woman took a picture of her children with the faux Spider-Man. She didn’t tip the guy so he got irate. Wackiness ensued. Now, the case has finally come to trial and the Wallcrawler must pay a small fine or spend a week in jail. Oh, Spider-Man… how far our heroes have fallen.


Photo courtesy of Nightscream via Wikicommons

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