How to Help at SSI and D-O-V
Feeling much better! And per Dan’s direction, we’ve settled on a business model to assure continued Dr. D shtick. Just about ready to launch! And I think you’ll like it very much.
We will have 6 articles per week on SSI that are totally free, as they have been – thanks to Klat. (Sorry for those int’l users having problems. We’ll copy-and-paste now and then on request.)
Then here on D-O-V we will have additional content as a “thank you!” for sponsors. No gate; anyone can read. I never did like the idea of a “gate” to keep people out. This will be like a “gentleman’s agreement” as Dan put it. Keeps things as friendly as we like them on D-O-V.
What it will mean is a bit of promotion. At the bottom of each post we’ll ask for a redirect over to Patreon. For those who have already set up recurring donations, you can simply ignore; no problem. Dan pointed out that the recurring model actually means less work for the users; sign up once and you’re done.
If we hit $150(-ish!) per month support, I’ll put a guaranteed 1 post per week on D-O-V. If we hit $300/month, I’ll put up 2 posts per week. At $450 per month we’ll make it 3, and so on. (Not a bad deal compared to what the MSM writers do, y’think? :- ) )
And, of course, besides the bonus material, you are sponsoring our work on SSI. Many thanks for doing so.
Let’s give it a try! :- ) Ready to help? Here is the donation page. How about considering a $1 or $5 or $10 monthly donation to the Think Tank? If there’s much of a surge at all we’ll put two lengthy posts in here immediately. And Here is my top-page Patreon link.
Your sponsorship helps assure continued Dr. D shtick and Think Tank discussion. Thanks so much!
Thanks to David Sipe who is donating $20 per month. WOW. Way to go bonkers David :- )
Thanks to Ryan Duke, Leif Thompson, “sayward,” and Rick Michels, donating $9-10 per month. Big time guys. Appreciate it.
Thanks to Isaac Taylor, Jordan Husband, and David LaDow at $5-6 per month. Really pushing us up there amigos. Gracias.
And thanks to Dan too!, who added $5 per month to his unbelievable, step-by-step-by-painstaking-step help in setting us all up now.
PS I think it had Leif and sayward as recurring donors, but am still figuring it out. Perhaps their donations were single shots, which is also awesome. My apologies for any errors.