The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
OK, a dang fine win last night!
Vintage Felix, Haniger was Maniger, there was a "Boomstick Baby" Blast, and Edwin Diaz was flat out bad! That's "bad" as in "The dude was baaaaad!"
So we know Haniger is good and Diaz is baaaaaad.
And we're learning that Valencia is ugly. Well right now, anyway. I'm almost pining for Justin Smoak, certainly for Bucky Jacobsen.
If you guys don't mind, I'm going to make a modest proposal: I'm calling on Doc to use his SSI leverage (potent as it is) to reach out to whoever is in charge of Safeco music and such; The good Doctor should get them to play the theme from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly whenever Diaz strides out of the bullpen. He's Good, and Baaaaad and his stuff is wicked Ugly.
Here you go!
It would be awesome
Since we're on western themes, we should play The Magnificient Seven Theme when Haniger comes to bat.
It would be awesome!
I thought about proposing the Benny Hill theme for Valencia, but I'm trusting he will eventully hit a ball hard off a lefty, so that would be a bit snide. But just a bit!
Here's your Saturday morning entertainment assignment: What are your suggestions for movie themes to go with current M's? Pick carefully for Sandy Zeus Paxton. His theme has to be thunderous AND joyful. I'm suggesting this one:
But I will defer to Doc, as the "Zeus" thing belongs to him! Hey Doc, a little Wagner might go a long way!! What do you think?
Felix's should be sneaky, clever and classic. I've no good ideas here.
Maybe this one for Dyson?
Have fun!