7 Wily Mo Pena, DH, 9.14.11
There's no apparent on-field rationale for giving Trayvon's and Casper's allowance to Wily Mo Pena. Especially since he's squandering the money on a 2:32 EYE ratio.
We conclude, therefore, that Wily Mo is in the M's dugout in a coaching capacity.
There's nothing wrong with this. Dr. D, in real life, has been consulted about work environments on about 5 or 6 occasions ... it is true that, if you can get 2-3 really positive examples into the mix, that they can almost by themselves install the new attitude.
Get you 15 workers, all used to grumbling and murmuring and complaining, and there aren't any talks from the boss that are going to change anything. However, bring in a few hard-chargers at ground level, guys who will show why success, hard work, and good humor go hand-in-hand, and that's a different conversation.
Wily Mo has a rep for an unsinkable, sunny disposition.
As well, he's one of the biggest, strongest men in pro baseball.
Reminds us of the time when Newt Gingrich and cronies called Steve Largent on the carpet for failing to vote with them. Largent's reply, "I've been in smaller rooms with bigger men, and I can't be intimidated."
Am sure that the M's locker room is nice, but it ain't real big when you're talking 30-35 athletes plus entourage. To have Wily Mo in there, thankful for life its ownself, can't hurt the rookie corp.
Or maybe you see a baseball rationale for Wily Mo. Feel free to enlighten me :- )