Erasmo Ramirez and Pitcher Families
One thing we know, the kid can paint


"There are four kinds of people who join the military.  

"Family business.  Patriots.  Guys who just need a job.  And then there are the ones who want a legal way to kill human beings."  -- Tom Cruise

LrKrBoi29 will come up with six exceptions, but that gets our arms around it, Tom. -- Dr D.


There are basically four kinds of pitchers who walk 1+ men per nine innings:

Groundballers.  SSI follows on Bill James in discriminating against this interest group.  They are analogous to "Soldiers who just needed a job."  Braden Looper, Jeff Suppan, Nick Blackburn.  Although Suppan walks guys every now and again. Joel Piniero after he left the M's. 

Gopheritis vic's.  On 3-1, they just huck it in there and let you do your worst.  These parallel the "Airmen who follow their dads into the service," because nobody questions their courage, although a few of their fellow Airmen might occasionally question their minds.  Tommy Hunter, Rodrigo Lopez, Bronson Arroyo, Josh Tomlin.

A guy like this might have good stuff.  Who was that really talented guy who never lived up to his elite talent?  ... taps chin ... JAVIER VAZQUEZ.  That's the guy.

Finesse pitchers.  They base their games around pinpoint location.  Which is, for everybody except Maddux and Moyer, kind of ugly to watch.  Mark Buehrle types.  Weird, weird, weird how Bartolo Colon emerged as a guy who could do this ... using only a fastball.  They don't have a putaway pitch, nothing that really scares you with two strikes.

The fourth kind of pitcher who walks 1+ men per game, is the ... great pitcher.

Cliff Lee, Felix, Roy Halladay, Doug Fister.  They don't walk 1+ men because they're giving in.  They don't walk 1+ men because they're pounding the knees and shins with a sinking fastball.  They don't walk 1+ men because they could pick the gnat off a buffalo's haunch at 700 yards.  They walk 1+ men because they are freakishly good at throwing baseballs.

In which category is Erasmo Ramirez, do you think?



* 1+ men, or 2.07 men, or whatever, LrKrBoi29.  Point is, they hardly ever walk anybody when they don't want to.

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