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Why Do Men Name Objects After Women?

When was the last time you heard a guy call his 1968 Camero Billy Jo or Theodore? Or his speedboat The Robert? Usually, you don’t. Instead, these objects—as well as others, from their guns to their power tools—have female names. Old Bessie. Mary Celeste. The Susie Q. Or even just “baby.” These are the kinds of names you hear men utter—usually fondly—when they refer to their possessions.

It seems that men can’t own other men; only women.



Think Tank - Ackley's Destruction of Offspeed Pitches

G-Money notes the Angels' announcers' confusion on Ackley :- )

Announcer 1:  I don't understand why he doesn't get more changeups and curves thrown at him.  the way he's always early on his front-side...he can keep his hands back long enough to hit fastballs but offspeed stuff should be really hard for him.

Announcer 2:  Well we did see him hit some stuff hard into LF by keeping his hands back long enough...

Announcer 1:  Sure, maybe on fastballs, but it takes a really special hitter to be that far into your swing before the ball reaches the plate and hit off-speed stuff....

Reminds me of Men In Black.  Lurch is seated in a restaurant, and the Instellar Cockroach shows up and demands Orion's Belt.


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