Shout - NJWriter - 3/11/15 10:47am
Luckily, it is a sun shiney day in #New_Jersey. #Single #NJWriter
Luckily, it is a sun shiney day in #New_Jersey. #Single #NJWriter
Also Talk about Weird #New_Jersey Ha ha... mostly you get more snow... but then sometimes I get more? #Single #NJWriter
Good I am just about to check on the #New_Jersey #Weather. #Single #NJWriter
The #New_Jersey folks were nice too, but I have accidentally fallen in with the #New_York crowd. #Single #NJWriter
Welcome back, Kat! And, well... Let's see... There's a town in #New_Jersey called #Orange, taking has become a #Sex-plumber, and cowboys can be attractive. I think that about sums it up. #saysthespi...
Ohhhh, okay... I wasn't aware of #Orange, #New_Jersey. #saysthespi...
I assume that's why #Orange is hashtagged, because of #Orange, #New_Jersey. #Single #Erika_B