ChiSox 7, M's 3
=== Hector Noesi ===
G-Money has taken to providing postgames that echo my own observations with 96.37% consistency. Do you think he should be more worried, or me? Here is his own mini-postgame. This will apparently serve as the expanded version. You're a sports fan, so you're good with replays. Question is whether you want fourteen replays of Adam Dunn's home runs.
Montero called for the same stripped-down Max Scherzer style attack game that he did last time around. Fully 40 of 58 pitches were fastballs, and the rest* were changeups. Noesi demonstrated that, as of April 2012, this is a bit much to ask also. Montero's pitch call, and Noesi's result, is analogous to giving Tim Tebow, or Andrew Luck, a 12-play arm wrap ... and then watching the QB turn the wrong way in the backfield half the time, and get decapitated for six sacks and four picks.
If you don't shed the dude for anything else, shed him for the tempo. C'mon. It's fastballs low and away every pitch. What is with the 30-second internal dialogue when it's the pitch he threw at 11 years old? He's standing there thinking, "Oh, man. This is going to be SOOOOooooooo fun that I just need to savor the moment ooonnnnnne more second."
Wedge took his own turn in decapitating Noesi, yanking him in the 2nd inning with the bases empty, giving him no opportunity to finish on a stronger note. This could be a presage to a role change.