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Shout - mickiholley - 2/21/16 1:56pm

<p>Did anyone else see the article about the #Sale of the Penguins? I wonder what is really going on there. The asking price is steep at $750 million and I could see where the NHL would demand the price stay up if they are asking $500 million for an expansion team. But there was something that just did not ring true (or maybe the whole truth was not being given?).</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 2/21/16 2:00pm<br><p>here is the link to that article:</p>

Shout - aliah79 - 1/14/16 6:35pm

<p>@NY So it's meal planning time again, and I'm trying to split it between camping and home. Instant oatmeal and canned soups are on #Sale for $1 and I totally hadn't even though about how great those would be for camping breakfasts and lunches!</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - Xtreme19 - 1/15/16 7:59pm<br><p>I love instant oatmeal when I am in a hurry for work! I take it with me and make it at school. My students always ask if I have more oatmeal so they can have some.</p>


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