Wild Card 2 - fer and agin'
=== PRO ===
Most baseball teams should be in the pennant race ... on Opening Day. Baseball is for kids. It is not for postgrad students, and for sure it should not be co-opt'ed by postgrad students.
This entire discussion about Prince Fielder is fundamentally idiotic. You have home town fans weeping and wailing that their home team might try to win.
This is an idiotic situation.
*See comments - not the arguments for and against Fielder, and not the arguments that winning could be done better without Fielder. But many hometown fans argue -- in March -- that "the Mariners shouldn't be pretending to be in a race they're not really in," and to the extent that they're right, the overarch'ing system is idiotic. :- )
The 5th playoff team remedies this situation. It is indisputable that, with the 5th team, you will have many fewer home town fans begging, in December, that their home teams try to lose in the coming year. QED.
=== CON ===
The argument from the best baseball analysts is that --- > the old Wild Card team, the #4 team, usually had a better record than some division winner had.
The #5 team usually is a considerably weaker team than the #4 team, or so it is asserted.
Dr. D grants that this is one of the stronger arguments against a 2nd Wild Card. If you wish to make sure that no "weakie" teams get into the postseason, "embarrassing" baseball, then you would avoid the 2nd Wild Card.
It's got some traction. I could see some dubious #5 teams making the WC playoff. (But lemme say that if the 1996, Junior-ARod-Edgar Mariners are the squirrelliest team we're going to see, that's all right with me.)