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Ghost writers floating through the books...

A ghost writer is someone who writes behind the scenes and isn't credited for the work. For example, if a business owner wanted to publish a book about the art of making furniture, that owner may not have the time or skill to write a book. Instead, he or she could pay a ghost writer to write the book. The hand-crafted furniture store owner may feel like he/she isn't a good writer, or be too busy to write, or a million other reasons. For around $5000, that furniture store owner could probably end up with a book for sale under his/her name.


Taijuan Walker and Doc Gooden


Gordon cue'd up this Taijuan Walker sequence, jabbing with the "gets on em in a hurry" fastball call and hooking with the "15 feet over the batter's head" hook call.  I'm piling on here, but that particular video is worth it.

It took us a while to triangulate Hisashi Iwakuma ... whodat, whodat ...?, um ... ::taps chin:: ... Hershiser? ... um ... GREG MADDUX!  An 80% replica of the Mad Dog his ownself.

Took a while to triangulate Erasmo Ramirez, too ... still taking a while.  Fister without the angles? ... ummm...


Fandom Crafts: Breaking Bad

I recently started watching Breaking Bad. (I know, right? Talk about being late to the party.) This dark, violent show offers a blend of humor and cinematography that makes for the perfect transition into iconography. And it turns out that Breaking Bad fans have been making busy with the crafts!

The second half of the show's fifth and final season starts this coming August. That gives you crafty Breaking Bad fans a few months, so get cracking!


Iwakuma's Intelligence Game


Seen on the internet ... 

Dr. D:  Wow, Nick Franklin has 3 hits and 5 total bases in only 10 PA's so far.  A .500 AVG, that's a nice start.

SABRMATT:  HOO HAW HAW HAAAWWWWWWW!  Doc, would you PLEASE do your homework or else just stop using stats on this blog.  Anybody with half a brain can see that Franklin's batting average is .182.  

Nobody hits .500 in baseball.  In fact, fangraphs publishes the leaders and in 2012, the leader was Buster Posey -- he's a catcher for the Giants -- and he batted only .336.  In fact the best batting average since WWII was .401, so for you to say that Franklin is batting .500 in his first two weeks ... well, your naivete is breathtaking.

Dr. D.  Matt, sometimes I forget why we have such a beautiful relationship.  Also, thank you for all the incognito M's personnel that you've chased off my blog over the years.


John Dewan Total Runs

In this article on WBC-san, we commented offhand on Iwakuma's Total Runs standing.  We compared Total Runs to WAR, which is not a good comparison.

Matt rejected the comparison for the reason that Dewan's totals "have to be prorated."  They are not.  Iwakuma had +51 runs saved, per Dewan's metric, as of May 30, 2013.  But in the future, Matt, we'll thank you to understand a stat before commenting on it.  Drive home safely.


Total Runs, however, is a stat that does not compare players to REPLACEMENT LEVEL; it compares them to zero.

Replacement level is, per Fangraphs' assumption, worth about +20 runs per year -- or about +7 runs so far this season. So, in theory, you would subtract 7 runs from those original totals to get WAR.  Which would still leave Iwakuma at over 4 WAR already this year.


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