Q. OK, let's say the M's tempt their youngsters with a quick $1M per year. But you say $400K isn't a lavish lifestyle? It would be for me.
A. You'd be surprised. You gross $400k, you take home $250K ... but you've got to secure your future with a good part of it. The kids gotta go to college. You're living on $100, $150 per year or something, and that doesn't put rolls of C-notes in your pocket at the 6-star hotel in Hong Kong.
$1M per year, all spendable, that's different. Now the kid can trick out the Ferrari the way he wants it. You're making $100,000 per month during the season, by the fourth month you don't know what to do with it.
The Moore-type deal is not only sensible fiscally, it also moves the kid into the rich man's lifestyle.
Q. Is a 30% discount reasonable, for a kid trying to sell a future TOR year and get paid for it today?