Shout - NJWriter - 9/21/15 5:17am
<p>Ok here is a little fun: what are #Foods you hate or just "won't" eat. NOT because of a restriction..but because you don't like them.</p>
<p>Ok here is a little fun: what are #Foods you hate or just "won't" eat. NOT because of a restriction..but because you don't like them.</p>
<p>Went #Shopping with Spider the other day and she was laughing at me cause I was checking the sugar/sodium/fat contents of my #Food. :P</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - Flower Power - 9/22/15 9:36pm<br>I guess it's not something that bothers her.</div>
<p>I was going to go get #Food on my way to run errands, but if you're here I'll eat here and stall a bit longer before heading out.</p>
<p>@all - what is the most exotic #Food you have ever eaten?</p>
<p>I wonder if you can just eat #Foods high in magnesium?</p>
<p>@All. WHat is your favorite type of #Food? Italian, Indian? Greek? And why?</p>
<p>@all: if you STILL had equal rights, #Food, and penicillin, what time period, era, or decade would you really like to live in?</p>