Shout - anonymous - 10/23/15 4:46pm
<p>@ALl. It was one of those rocking #Food trucks that has now turned into a local NYC chain. Have heard great things about it.</p>
<p>@ALl. It was one of those rocking #Food trucks that has now turned into a local NYC chain. Have heard great things about it.</p>
<p>@all. Favorite #Recipe for comfort #Food.</p>
<p>@ALl. Favorite #Recipe for savory #Food?</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - Xtreme19 - 10/23/15 10:19am<br>maple bacon cinnamon rolls!!! Yummy Goodness!!</div><div class="indented">Reply - NYNY - 10/23/15 11:42pm<br>Never had those, X!</div><div class="indented">Reply - NYNY - 10/23/15 11:42pm<br>For me, it's Smeagol's roast with bleu cheese dressing. YUM</div>
<p>Mama. Remember when we used to talk about restaurants and #Food.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - NJWriter - 10/21/15 8:50am<br>Don't we all, always talk about food and restaurants? </div><div class="indented">Reply - NYNY - 10/24/15 8:36pm<br>Great topic!</div>
<p>I'm guess no, but am too lazy to go fetch proper #Food.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - anonymous - 10/16/15 6:30pm<br>@notes. But you have to eat. </div><div class="indented">Reply - anonymous - 10/16/15 6:31pm<br>@notes. You should try to eat healthy if you can. </div><div class="indented">Reply - takingnotes - 10/17/15 2:55pm<br>But eating healthy requires time, effort and money! Three things that seem to be absent from my life.</div>
<p>@all - Question #1: If you could only eat one #Food for the rest of your life, what would it be?</p>
<p>(mamacrunch sez:) what party #Foods have you become bored of over time?</p>