Get Well Cards - linkage 3.30.12
=== Michael Pineda at Lookout Landing ===
Sully with his typically likeable-and-brainy musings on last year's SSI darling. The SSI follow-on here: let's recall that Taro flatly stated that he did not like Michael Pineda's chances to stay healthy. Here we are, sooner rather than later - scratch that, much sooner.
Here's an ominous report about his shoulder soreness during the game. In the mood to see what Yankee fans are saying after the shoulder report? Here's a thread at River Ave. Blues. The comments post starts it off with "heads better roll in the front office" and things degenerate from there.
Dr. D has a queasy feeling about Michael. The jury's not in and the story ain't over. But the first returns weigh in on Taro's side. If the Mariners were to try to deal Pineda for Jesus Montero right now, March 30th, they wouldn't have a chance. As of March 30th, the Mariners "won" the trade, huge. Stocks can go up and can go down, of course. But as of today, Zduriencik has purchased stock in a start-up company and seen it split a couple of months later.