New York

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The Amazing Architecture of New York City

New York is a city that has a long history behind it and all those years have left their mark in the form of some truly outstanding architecture. The next time you and your special someone want something fun to do, consider making the rounds and seeing all these manmade wonders. The ChryslerBuilding and the EmpireStateBuilding are two obvious choices, though even some New Yorkers have yet to visit them.


Cat Café Coming to NYC?

They’ve been all the rage in Japan for some time now - cat cafes. Slowly but surely, the phenomenon has spread to other areas of the world. People from east to west can experience the sublime pleasures of hanging out with a horde of cats while they enjoy their coffee and scones. Now - late to the party, it seems - New York City will be getting its own permanent cat café.


Mayor de Blasio Accidentally Murders Poor Groundhog

In a recently exposed and shocking news report, it appears that the Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, is involved in a cover-up. The Mayor seems to be guilty of murder and he’s been using his influence to hide the truth. The victim of this heinous crime? A groundhog. Apparently, back in February, on Groundhog Day, de Blasio dropped the star of the day on the ground. Now, some are saying that this innocent furry creature died of his injuries and that the government is covering it up.


Soda Makers Doing Their Part to Help Reduce Obesity?

Apparently, the big stink in New York about the legal size of sodas that may be sold had some sort of impact. The soda companies recently announced that they’ll be working to reduce the amount of calories in their beverages by 20 percent. They also said they’ll be working at marketing smaller sized drinks and diet drinks as well as pushing their bottled water more. All these changes are set to a “ten year plan”, so don’t expect too much.


Forget the Tickets, Diplomats Park Where They Please!

So apparently, if you happen to be a foreign diplomat, you’re not expected to pay your parking fines. A recent look at unpaid parking tickets in NYC shows that we are owned more than $16 million from people that don’t even live here. Egypt seems to be the worst of the bunch, with about $2 million owed.

So will the city be able to recover these funds? Or maybe we can teach diplomats how to park properly? One thing’s for certain - that’s a lot of cash and New York could certainly use each and every dollar.



Celebrate New York Design with ‘Archtober’

For the entire month of October, you’ll be able to celebrate the glory of New York City’s architectural heritage. Lovers of architecture have come together to offer a month’s worth of lectures, unique and interesting tours, design-centric films and a variety of exhibitions detailing architecture’s importance to the city and the world. This is a great opportunity to delve into one of the reasons that New York is the amazing place it is today.



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