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Why do Christian singles have so many questions?

Here's a phenomenon I didn't know existed until I started writing these articles: if you Google phrases like "questions from singles," about 95% of the results are for Christian websites addressing issues about life as a single Christian.

I had no idea that Christian singles had so many questions. Especially compared to secular singles, or singles of other religions. I have yet to encounter an article about "questions from Muslim singles," for example, or "questions from Jewish singles." It's always Christian singles specifically.


Weekly Medley: Being childlike

Tiny Buddha has a wonderful piece up about being childlike today, with 33 suggestions. I was so excited to see that I had already done several of these prior to reading the article as part of my normal day! Wood Sprite lost the tiny piece inside her locket hinge that keeps it together, so I used a pin and bent it into place. We also read some of our favorite childhood books, acted silly (according to Indy, we do that all of the time), played with stickers and Legos, and had a pretty stellar day. How did yours go?


What’s Happening Wed: Blog Carnival at Homeschool Atheist Momma

Today at Homeschool Atheist Momma, there is a huge blog carnival going on. There is something about everything, from parent perspectives to learning ideas and so much more. There’s a lot of reading so be sure to bookmark the website. I’ve been corresponding with Karen, who writes the blog, and I was so pleased to learn that she actually lives nearby! I cannot wait to meet her and her family soon.


Losing their religion

John Holt said something to the effect of we force our children to do things all day, every day that none of us could do ourselves. How many of us could pay attention to hours of lectures about subjects that we couldn't care less about—many of which we will never even use in our lives? If schools were optional and provided choices for students so they could attend only the things that fuel their passions, I might support them more.

It’s especially difficult, however, when you hear stories like these.


Teacher sues in retaliation of school’s opinion on religion

The subject of what constitutes religious freedom in certain circumstances is a touchy one.  When it comes to religion in the classroom, the subject becomes even more complicated.  Questions arise concerning exactly how much religion should be disallowed and where the right of teachers to express themselves as religious individuals begins.  In a recent instance, a teacher was addressed by her school for what administrators saw as a violation of this separation.


How personal do you get on a first date?

Having been out of the dating world for quite some time, I have no idea how personal one might get on a first date—nor what is considered to be an acceptable amount of personal information to divulge. Is it as Penelope’s mother says—no mole unveiling until after the wedding? Or is it better to get it all out there and hope for the best?



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