Des Moines

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Date night in Des Moines

Iowa can be a tough place to find someone to date, with our long empty stretches and scattered small towns. If you live in Des Moines, things are easier, since the city draws in young and vibrant singles from across the state. Whether you live in Des Moines or not, we can help you find that someone special! And when date night rolls around, here are our picks for the top three romantic restaurants in Des Moines.

Café Di Scala (18th Street)


Emma Coburn is playing for keeps

After spending last summer in London participating in the 2012 Olympic Games, you figured maybe Emma Coburn would want a quiet summer. Though Colorado is known for skiing, summertime in Colorado is one of the most beautiful times to visit. Her hometown of Crested Butte isn’t too shabby to see in the warm weather either. Though this would suffice for some, the University of Colorado steepler has bigger fish to fry than catching rays at high altitude.



Zombies and Hamburgers

Zombies are all the mainstream rage in Western culture, so naturally it was only a matter of time before people began to take advantage of that.  I've already said my two cents about the zombie dating site.  And the proliferation of zombie survival training courses boggles the mind.  But one thing that had been overlooked for some time is a zombie-themed restaurant.  Well, look no further than Des Moines, Iowa and the Zombie Burge + Drink Lab eating/drinking establishment.

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