Shout - InsideTheBoards - 11/9/15 6:22pm

Chat: 10/19/15 4:43pm

<p>I have a feeling that DuPuis should have hung up his skates and retired when he was first diagnosed with the blood clots. He has a young family and could have easily transitioned into an off-ice position with the team rather than risk a return that could cause him long-term #Health issues. I get that he loves playing the game, but it seems a little selfish of him to take that big of a risk.</p>
<div class="indented">Reply - mickiholley - 11/9/15 6:56pm<br>I have to say that I do agree with that to some extent. The doctors gave him a good prognosis and were optimistic that he would be able to return to the ice. Yes, he is a husband and father, but he is also a professional hockey player. They all know the risks involved with the sport and by retiring early, there would be big problems with his contract and payouts and such.

The Pens could keep out indefinitely and let his contract expire, then he retire. That is what Pronger ended up doing when he had the eye injury.</div><div class="indented">Reply - gnomie - 11/10/15 7:41pm<br>I can see both sides, too. If it were contagious, it would be too risky to expose everyone to it, but if he's the only person who's at risk, really, every player is at risk any day for physical harm in other ways.</div>

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