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Explore the History of San Jose with Your Date

Exploring the history of the city you live in is something that many people don’t get around to doing. Every city is filled with wonderful historic attractions and San Jose is no exception. The next time you’re looking for something to do with your someone special, consider visiting these sites and getting more familiar with the city. The Catherdral Basilica of St. Joseph is one such spot, a beautiful church with some amazing architecture.


Review: The Walking Dead ‘Claimed’

Once again, the new Walking Dead showrunner, Scott Gimple, is proving that he knows how to put together a season that brings us all the zombie-stomping action that we could hope for while still managing to explore the characters involved in the story. This week’s episode, ‘Claimed’ follows half of the group, splitting between two stories, but still develops both halves of the episode to satisfaction.


'Lee Daniels' The Butler' Review

At long last, I finally made it back to the theater over the weekend, and after a long summer filled with tons of CGI, animation, superheroes and the like, I was in the mood for a heavy drama. That's a good thing, because in opting to see Lee Daniels' The Butler, we definitley got heavy. Heavy-handed? Just a bit, but I"ll get to that in a minute. For now, let's just say that there are things I loved about The Butler, things I didn't like much and things that just really ticked me off about this movie.



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