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Hack & Slash: Why Hearthstone Is the Best MMO On the Internet

If you're anything like me, you've probably searched the world over for MMO games worth playing and felt utterly depressed when you realized there are only a handful of them out there. Even more frustrating is the fact that most of the best MMOs have been around for a while and the news ones just can't compete. So how are MMO fans supposed to find fresh entertainment and new challenges? Well, thankfully, Blizzard has stepped up to the challenge and given us Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.

Hearthstone is an animated collectible trading card game with a fantastic sense of humor and a staggering amount of freedom when it comes to deck customization. Don't let the game's WoW inspired cards (like the Leeeeeeroy Jenkins!) stop you from playing it, either, as it's not just a gaggle of in-jokes; it's also a genuinely well designed stand-alone game.

In Hearthstone, Players can construct up to 12 decks specific to any of the 12 classes offered to them and each deck can be tweaked as new cards are acquired through gameplay. Battle NPCs in Practice and Adventure Modes or go head-to-head against other players in Casual, Ranked or Arena battles. They've also recently added a new feature which lets you spectate battles being played by your friends.

The very best thing about Hearthstone is it's genuinely free to play. Sure, you can spend real world cash on a variety of in-game goodies, but you're not required to do so in order to access most areas of the game. The community is pretty great, too, and in an “All PVP, All the Time” game, kindness is a thing to be cherished. I feel like I just can't recommend this title enough. 

Photo courtesy of

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