Classes and Workshops of the Week - December Week Four
Sometimes you want to spend an afternoon or a night learning something new. NYC has opportunities aplenty when it comes to finding fun and interesting classes and workshops where you can pick up new skills at (usually) reasonable prices. Here are a few of this week’s highlights.
Sunday Studio Tapestry Illustrations -
Ever wanted to learn how to design tapestries? This class will start your education at the most basic of levels and teach you the skills involved. Train to improve your artistic skills while surrounded by famous art works. And it’s all-ages, so you can bring along the kids if you have any.
Beyond Christmas Trees: Woody Winter Evergreens -
This fun class will give you a whole new level of knowledge when it comes to Christmas trees and evergreens in general. Get a dose of history, learn how to identify various species and more. If you’ve ever been interested in trees, this might be the class for you.
Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures via pixabay