Achewood TV show is in the works
I can't handle news like this first thing in the morning. I am old, and it is bad for my heart. I logged onto Twitter to check out the haps while I drank my first cup of coffee, and found my Twitter stream ablaze with news about the Achewood television trailer.
At about 11p.m. last night, Chris Onstad tweeted a link for the video. He also updated his personal blog for the first time in over two years, with a little bit more information about the project. It's in the earliest stages at this point. Onstad says he has been "working with a team of artists, engineers, and producers to bring Achewood to life." And that he is flying to Los Angeles to "begin a week of network pitch meetings."
If that is the case, then we have a long way to go before an Achewood television show becomes a reality. For one thing, I don't know how you would pitch Achewood to a bunch of network executives. The comic held - and still holds - such a high cachet among the hipster artist crowd (and I include myself in that group). But it is also somewhat impenetrable to outsiders. And will that indie cred translate to a contract for an animated sitcom?
I also wonder why Onstad is going to Los Angeles to pitch the networks. I presume he's pitching at FX, which is home to Archer. And Comedy Central, home to South Park and the new Futurama. But what about Adult Swim, home to The Venture Bros among others? Adult Swim is (so far as I know) headquartered in Georgia. Does this mean that Adult Swim is off the list for some reason? Or is Onstad using the term "Los Angeles" loosely?
Even if the show never gets made, just seeing that Achewood still has some life left in it is exciting enough for one morning.
Screenshot copyright Chris Onstad/Achewood