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other than Linked In informs me she's a 'consumer rights attorney' in Chicago.  So I guess she comes by her 'little guy' outlook honestly.  But somewhere along the line it seems like she might have fallen under the spell of Scott Boras.

This idea of decertifying and suing is Boras-level bombast.  I'm going to assume someone is now going to conduct an anonymous survey of MLB players to find out if they'd support such a plan--and then decide to to spike the results, since it would probably fall somehwere in the range of 98% against.  The Golden Goose, and all that.

It might be surprising that Boras and his disciples aren't using the NBA as a talking point--after all, that's the only sports league in the world with a higher average salary (far fewer players on a roster, no cost to develop young talent, etc.).  But the NBA also employs a salary cap--FOR SHAME!  So he can't talk about that.  (Possibly the only thing that keeps Boras up at night.)  

I do note that Eric Hosmer got his $144m (averaging 1.4 WAR over seven full seasons).  So maybe there's no stonewall after all.  

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