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For sure I'd tack on another year at his current rate or even a skosh higher (up to $20mil) since he's such a vital piece of the offensive puzzle, and it is indeed possible he could be for a few years to come.  His power is transcendental, and while he doesn't have a ridiculous walk rate like Edgar or Ortiz did, he also isn't striking out all that much (K% of 25.0, 23.8, 21.7 the last three years, to go with his BB% of 9.0, 9.3 and 10.9 over the same period).  So his peripherals aren't trending down just yet, he's still got his top shelf power, and appears to love it where he is.  A two year extension wouldn't be unreasonable, especially considering the narrowing window this club's got with its current talent pool.  What's one more lost year of salary before they do a full teardown, anyway?

All that said, my first move in any baseball sim is to trade Robinson Cano and Nelson Cruz... ;-)

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