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So the reason those five(!) things were the ones I highlighted, were because those five were claims that have no substantiative proof, and in some cases are outright false. Regarding the other 9?

1) The economy- By what metric? No policy change would have affected job growth in the first quarter, and economy approval ratings split on party lines. Willing to hear where the claim is backed up though. 

2) Trade deals- More specific please? And I'd probably say 'too early to tell' anyway. 

3) China relations- Again, what specifically? But sure, maybe. 

4) Russia working together on Syria and North Korea- Syria? Are we sure? 

5) China pressure on North Korea- Sure. Call it a win for Trump if you want. 

6) Jobs- See previous note on 1)

7) Healthcare- A LOT more to do

8) Supreme Court nominee confirmed- A Republican president, passing a Supreme Court nominee through a Republican House and Senate. That would be one epic fail if it hadn't happened, and it still required talk of the Senate's 'nuclear option' of getting rid of the filibuster. 

And I think we're into the previously discussed zone. 


Conversely, the 'Negatives' are written as a [poor representation - mod] of Democrats. Let's re-write them shall we? 

1) Enough evidence of Russian collusion with Trump campaign to warrant an investigation. An investigation which curiously, if there were nothing substantial to it, has been blocked by Trump at levels that are unprecedented since, well, you know since when. 

2) Ok, now this was just hilarious, right? I mean, who does that? 

3) Trump tweeting a warning to Comey, that many perceived as a threat. If they do exist, why would he say that? If they don't exist, why would he say that? Are we not concerned that he said that? 

4) Undignified *** comment. (and the beginning of my disillusionment with this being far from a centrist-viewpoint)

5) Trump made unsubstantiated claims against a former President of the United States of America, and has continued to propogate the rumor without once providing even a modicum of evidence to justify it. 

6) See comment 4)

7) Well, yeah, but, what exactly is the point of this entire article.

8) Trump's approval rating is abysmal. 

9) There is 'chaos' in the White House. (quotes here designed to make it seem like an inappropriate word (oh the irony))

10) Slowly losing the will to live. 

11) [Deleted] Will this man just get back to drawing Dilbert comics?

12) Or at least writing them, since the drawings have been copy & pasted for the last five years.

13) Trump getting two scoops of ice cream is the only POSITIVE I've seen yet. 

14) tl;dr

15) I'm gonna check in on the Mariner's game now. 

16) At last, some good news! 

17) Please don't let there be a 9th inning meltdown again

18) What were we talking about again? 


Much love,


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