1) Small business confidence indeces, the stock market, etc ----- Mostly a hallow effect of business owners, stock brokers, and hedge funds expecting to get a massive handout, errrrr, tax rate deduction. I kid about the handout, or do I?
2) "No better friend, no worse enemy" foreign policy mantra -- the basic shift towards "Don't mess with America" signalling, its effect on relations with China, etc ----- Trump was born to play the bully. America has been the bully for a long time, hard to operate as the lead dog in the world without being one.
3) Where you think he'll be with respect to Capitol Hill in two years ----- If Democrats win, I could see them end up working with him and possibly get some decent progress made. If Republicans win - depending on if they are freedom caucus types or not, then we're looking at policy experiments tested on a nation wide level. Think Kansas and Gov Brownback. Ask them how its going there.
4) Whether you personally would intervene radically to keep Kim Jong-Un from getting ICBM's in 12-18 months ----- Kim Jong-Un well realizes that a nuclear weapon is the ONLY way to stay in power of a country when the USA wants you out. And you never know when the USA will change its mind - Saddam, Gaddafi, Mubarak, etc. Personally - it depends on the "radical" intervention.