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Hanjag's picture


Nice read. Just a quick self disclosure I view myself as an indepenednet centrist. I had probably more optimism than most viewing  the advantage of a "Maverick" in the White House. I remember social media sending "dem soc site" posts about Trump flip flopping his views from 30 years ago to today. The political spectrum says look he is inconsistant and this is an attack add. Well done, but it appealed to me because I certainly don't have the same views as I did when I was a teen or 20 something. One aspect in particular is his stance on hands off regime change for Syria. The Syrian regime change is all about persuing an aggressive economic attack on Russian energy exports to EU. The Natural gas pipeline would provide a competitor to the Russian pipeline and undermine their economic standing. I know Konspiracy Korner and all but is it just a little fishy that Trump reverses course and the U.S. comes to the stage with pics of gassed women and children and points toward Assad? I don't have all of the Q&A but I do question and contemplate and speak and act accordingly with what I can reason out as truth and just. After all, this is the Great American Debate, is it not.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           




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