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There's definitely a good chance this is the fastest roster Dipoto ever puts forth  (once O'Malley returns).  Unless he decides he wants the 2 fastest players in MLB in the fold because there would then seem to be a good chance he gets them.  Or #'s 2 and 4 or some such anyway.  Taking the caveat one step further: once Seager is at 1b and Cano at DH.  The point is unless he's really gunning for running and winning along the way it's hard to fit much more.  174 bases stolen is the team record,  2001 and 1987.  Edgar was on both squads, went 4-1 in '01.

I said .350 very tongue in cheek but only thought of it because I can't see a reason to put a particular ceiling on him long - term.  One point against is everyone keeps thinking that Maniger's new found comp will clear .300.  Although Seager continues to improve and succeed overall the .300 season has still eluded him.  Here's hoping they both clear that mark this year.  #17 in '17

Hearing the Rockies announcers perspective that Gallardo seems to have an innate ability to speed it up and slow it down at the right times gives something to cling to at least.

I wouldn't be surprised if the bullpen had some struggles early.  I would be surprised if they weren't considered a strength by the end of the year, after health has returned.  So many new faces everywhere, at least we should get to know many of the young arms more as faces change around occasionally.

The team record is 11 runs on opening day in 1982, the home team Twins only managed 7.  Here's hoping for a new team record to start the season. 

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