I would absolutely love to get your take on the Mandela Effect.
Specifically, I remember:
1) Berenstein Bears, not Berenstain
2) It was "Luke, I am your father", not, "No, I am your father"
3) I remember 5 people in the Village People, not 6. There wasn't an Army guy where I'm from.
4) The line in Snow White was, Mirror, mirror on the wall, not Magic Mirror on the wall like it is here
5) I remember 4 people in two rows of seats in the car when JFK was assassinated, not a 3rd row with a 5th and 6th person in the middle of the car...
6) The witch in Wizard of Oz said, "Fly my pretties, fly." Now she just says, "Fly, fly, fly"
7) C3PO didn't have a silver leg...
8) I remember watching Billy Grahams funeral on TV, but he's still alive??
There are others, but I specifically remember all of these one way only to find out it was never that way, it's blowing my mind.