We've got that going on with the youth that already graduated from Paxton, Walker (Miranda&Karns mostly not developed here, but still), Zunino, Marte and Heredia as well. The 3 hitters there, Zunino has some shot at being a MOTO presence. Marte and Heredia have multiple tools that, if we're patient, may see them have some decent years atop the order. Marte and Heredia could both work on some things in AAA but they're off the prospect map. They're still youth that we need to show some patience with and still represent a couple blips on the "cheap but with potential impact" that there isn't much else of that's close. Zunino is presumably on the team but has somewhere between a bit and a lot of growth still possible. Blue chip wise, I guess you're only talking Zunino, Paxton, Walker and Paxton is one that's definitely worth more than a blue chip at this point.
The depth is still definitely a problem but I don't know how much more youth you'd want to bring up this year to supplement and then have to be patient with. It'd be nice to finally have a hitting prospect here hit the ground running and never look back. I would like to get youth that's proven in a spot or 2 with the idea that in 2 years you have them and Seager as a core. Hopefully Paxton, Walker, O'Neill, 'Bach and Zunino as well. That's where I don't get the idea of a year or 2 window with this roster and all the young talent already assembled. There's no guarantees, including that you couldn't replace Cruz, Felix, Cano and Kumas production with the production of players who are already here.
I forgot about the Dye comp idea but I see that better than most comps suggested lately. The peak 'Bach comp of Ortiz makes me think of an interesting idea. If the Red Sox were interested in a Bradley Jr. for Vogue swap to replace Ortiz do you do it? I'm sure we'd get less years of Bradley and have to add more to get him so I don't know if I would.