Trump's positives: He definitely has charisma and the bluster/outrageousness of a loveable scoundrel. In his best moments, you want to root for him when he points out real problems in how our government works at home and abroad. Clinton's positives: She exudes competence and knowledge when talking about government and world affairs. In her best moments, she comes across as the adult in the room and can be quietly likeable.
I think their performances will be largely forgotten, but what will be remembered are soundbites that will be played in attack ads ad nauseum. On this point Trump badly lost:
Trump: "I have the best temperment."
// cue thirty seconds of Trump yelling outrageous things at campaign stops and in interviews.
Clinton: "Donald was one of the people who rooted for the housing crisis."
Trump: "That's called business, buddy."
Clinton saying Trump paid no income tax.
Trump: "That makes me smart."