Dipoto had challenges coming in...
--not a fully formed team, but one with a few stable, high quality assets
--consequently, he was not given the option of a 'rebuild' plan
His response was to trade away 'the last guy's' young assets (a common approach) to fil in the empty spots.
Didn't work.
However, what he can't explain is a dismal defense (even with Marte and Marin upgrades)...and the worst baserumming in baseball. These are things that purportedly are coachable.
So why aren't the players being better coached?
The snap answer is that he put all his eggs in the mental approach/control the zone basket. We now see the results.
It's very hard for me to see how we've gone anywhere but backwards with every single coach we've brought in (Edgar obviously a holdover), as well as the manager.
In the end, the players need to play better. But they aren't.
So whatever we would reap in deadline trades (marginal, to be sure), would need to be better developed.
Are McKay and company doing that? Are the won/loss reocrds in the minors a positive indication?
What we've seen coming up so far to the big club is not encouraging.
I miss Lloyd.