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France, Germany to put armies, budgets under E.U.?


Without shifting to a discussion over whether this is what far-left U.S. politicians envision for the future ..., I'd be interested to know whether SSI members would (in an ideal world) support the U.S. doing something like this -- eventually (in, say, 30-50 years) including military and budgetary control:


The main reason the UK voted to leave the EU is because the EU morphed from a free trade agreement with the other EU members into a Super State, remote and all-powerful. An analogy would be if the US joined a free trade agreement with 20 Latin American countries- but 25 years later it had become a Super State which could override any Act of Congress and in which the US was constantly outvoted 20-1.
How long do you think that the US would remain part of this outfit- in the totally improbable event that it ever joined?
Secondly, all-that's right, all- EU citizens have an absolute right to migrate to the UK (or anywhere else in the EU), and the poorer countries of eastern Europe were, in effect, dumping their unemployable youth in the UK. If Turkey ever joins the EU, their 80 million people will have an automatic right to move to the UK. None of this was envisioned when Britain first joined the Common Market (as it was then) in 1973.
Asked by: wdr1946

Answered: 6/28/2016
 Well, without disagreeing with any of that, I would like to say that I believe in the free movement of people across borders.  I count it among the great blessings of being an American that we can move around without showing our papers.   All 40 million people in Florida have the absolute right to move to Oklahoma is they choose to do so; no one thinks this is alarming.   
But while we may believe in this as an ideal, we might also recognize that there are practical obstacles to absolute freedom of movement.   We can work to reduce these barriers over time, but to simply declare that they do not exist. . .it's a little bit ambitious.  - James
Do you think it would be desirable to work towards a Latin American (or U.N.) Superstate which controlled U.S. militaries, budgets, and its Constitution?  
Not, would it be practical.  Rather, would it be desirable in the ideal?  -- Dr. D

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