Meaning 41.5% of Paxton's non-K's, non-BB's and non-HR's have dropped in for base hits. If you give up .340 in a given year, you're going to have the worst luck in the league. 30% is average and there isn't much range from a pitcher's point of view -- maybe 27% to 33%.
t' isn't because they're smoking Paxton, as Diderot points out below. Just the luck of the draw going against him in a "sample" of 34 innings.
Good 'put Tyler! You were probably familiar with BABIP, but some readers are not, and we want them to be comfortable axing Sabermetrics 101 questions.
Other readers take note! If you don't know what we mean when we say "K/BB," just ax, and 16 guys will be only too thrilled to step up and sub-teach for a day.