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Ka-Boom!  That's the sound of that Diaz video!!!!

Holy schnikies!  I posted over on the D-O-V, but may as well do it here.....he's riding that right arm rocket right out of Jackson and into Tacoma (or beyond) in a hurry.   22 AA starts, counting last year.  He's not making it to 32.

Deej with 2 singles for his AA day.

Doc, betcha that Bautista rental starts with Tank O'Neill (he being the best blooming RH bomber we have)!!! And then we pile on goodies from there.

Atta boys, Boog, O'Malley and Romero!  OK, Pat Listach, now gimme some Pizzano and Tyler Smith.

Not sure I like the Tacoma Wieland headgame start.  If that is what it was.  Looks like it, anyway.

BTW, Happy Taijuan Day, all!!

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