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Simply by answering them concisely ;- )

1.  On some other blog, the intent might have been to "drop a bomb" -- to shock, divide, and initiate a flame war.  However, this is Seattle Sports Insider.  The intent was for us to quickly orient on what is true and what is important, without playing games.  

You've read SSI before; at some point I hope you'll start giving the blog credit for its intent to exchange ideas freely and respectfully.

1a.  If there's a Civil War in America, it will probably be over abortion rights and gay marriage.  (You could, ahem, nominate Immigration as a third factor.)  People care very, very deeply about those issues.  

What the article said was that the abortion issue has crowded out the other issues in a SCOTUS appointment, and that I regret its prominence.  This statement bothered you somehow?


2.  Yes.  As they did by electing a 54-44 Republican Senate.  

2a.  And it seems to me that neither side should be averse to letting voters have their say again, in November.  One side argues "the people have spoken!" in electing Obama; the other side argues, "the people have spoken!" in electing the Senate.  Okay, we're not sure what they said.  Wouldn't we usually just go ask them again?

If we don't know what Bill James believes about Pitcher Abuse Points, should we analyze 10,000 historical writings he made, or just throw a sentence into the Hey Bill mailbox?


3.  That they're honest.


4.  Could well be.  There are many points at which our government has to go through the motions of complying with the letter of the law.  

4a.  Isn't this what Senator Obama did, when he was in the senate?


5.  I would hope so.


6.  I don't know what a recess appointment is.


Jim (Spectator) led off the comments with the remark that EITHER party, when it has the power to nominate OR delay OR lay down harrying fire, does exactly that and then when --- > the situation is reversed, it calls hypocrisy.  That's why we have Sanders and Trump leading, isn't it .....

It's hard for me to imagine that if the shoe was on the other foot, and Dems 54-44 in the Senate, that they would do Ted Cruz "a solid" and put one of his Justices on the court just before an election finished.

What is your reaction to that?



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