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Miller is my preferred SS going down the line.  He pencils better there...and he's been no Dr. Strangeglove on defense.  Doc, I remember reading that from James years ago.  In general it is likley true.  But some guys struggle against lefties, etc.  There are exceptions, certainly, to James' "rule."  I hope Miller shows he isn't always going to be one of those guys.  He hasn't so far.  Things could change mind you....I'm not anti-Marte, but a decent glove SS with some thump from the left side is a pretty nice thing.

And I will add this:  Goodness knows that I've ridden Austin Jackson pretty hard the past sseason +.  But Edgar has helped. I was (amazingly) to the point that I would have QO'ed him, even he if moved on.  I'm hoping that the PTBNL in the deal hs been predetermined and we will get something decent in return.  $200K in the International pool isn't much. 

The weird thing about Miller in CF (and I'm a Miller fan) is that I imagine he won't look any better soon than Ackley did out there (I thought he was decent) and Lloyd (evidently) couldn't stand the thought of Ackley in CF.  Weirdness, weirdness.

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