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I just posted this morning that we would QO him:  I didn't think he would take it....but wondered if he would like to hang around Edgar some.  Player to be named later and $211,000 International slot is the haul we get.

I will point out that Brad Miller is 70% of a CF.  his .560-ish career OPS vs. lefties means you're not likely to leave him out their against the southpaws of the MLB world (realizing he could improve, of course).

Well, the obvious call up was going to be Ramon Flores.  Uh....not now.  Jones has 54 Tacoma CF starts, Landry 24 and Kivlehan 12.  Over the last month, Kivlehan has been a .846 hitter in Tacoma. He's at .769 on the year with 22 homers.  Jones is a career .733 guy in AAA (with no pop) although he's been hot the last week.  Landry is at .739 in AAA and has had 4 AB's in the past month.  

As I said last week, we may see Patrick Kivlehan getting some CF time in Seattle pretty soon.

I'll be glad to see it. 

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