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There was a lot of great music back then. But for me, to be honest, there was one thing about Top 40 radio (which was all I listened to in the 60's, unfortunately. FM and album rock came later for me): Radio was something to listen to while waiting for the next Beatles release. They were always doing something new and interesting: Yesterday-Ticket to Ride-Day Tripper/We can Work it Out-Paperback Writer-Norweigan Wood/Michelle-Eleanor Rigby/Yellow Submarine-Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields Forever-All You Need is Love-I am the Walrus/Hello Goodbye-Lady Madonna...building to their great masterpiece of 45rpm vinyl: Revolution/Hey Jude. Music was a scattered collection of songs until I made enough money to buy albums, and the Beatlles loomed over the AM radio scene. Whenever a new Beatles release came out, the DJs made a big deal about announcing it: "Stayed tuned until 3 PM when we play the new Beatles song!"

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