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1.  Ackley's hot spot has always been the RF gap.  He was never really an Ichiro-type "up the middle/ other way guy."  I think what's changed is that he's more patient and less out in front of the ball which equals fewer 4-3's. He's squaring it up.  That and he's become more situational (as a vet should). his homers now have that Seager-esque launch angle.  He used to hit ropes over the fence.   Now he hits V-2's that are screaming over the Channel looking for London.  Ah 'fer shure he will slump badly for a bit; it seems to be part of his DNA.  But he's got that 55+ xB-hit look going doesn't he.
2. Morrison better be helping with the glove.  He sure isn't with the bat.
3. Weeks looked something exactly like a power-hitting veteran RH hitter who knew who was behind him and was looking to go yard on any FB in the zone that was chucked up there by the lefty he is supposed to feast on.  Which come to think about it is exactly what we're paying him to do.   Terry Crowley indeed.  It was really a great Z moment Skipper moment Weeks moment and M's moment. The game from FO to the field as it is meant to be!  Earl/White Rat style.  As the Hanson brothers would say "Eddie Shore?  Old time hockey?"
4.  I don't know about you guys but I'm becoming quite enamored with our two "F-Bombs:"  Furbush and Farquhar.  Along with the Alias Twins I'm betting the pen is a strength again this year.  Rodney meltdowns not withstanding.
5.  Dodgers?  Who 'dat?
6. Go team.

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