Doc - My bad... I guess.
I thought it was in very poor form from Mariner management / Lloyd by way of the decision process the lack of consistent management speak (or handling of players) the actual announcement and the planning for the future by switching starting shortstops for the rest of the season - or at least foreseeable future. It appears a couple people cordially disagree here in true SSI fashion unlike the trashing I have rec'd on a couple other web sites.
I laid out a basic but not thorough case above so I will let that stand. A lot more could / should have been said but I failed at that the first time.
I really worry what happens when Chris Taylor - who I like and say he deserves to be playing 50% of the time - what happens if Taylor pulls an Ackley. Taylor has no where near the pedigree of Ackley has put up a lot less in the numbers department than Ackley did in his first 3 months and Taylor is coming off of an injured wrist. All I asked to happen was to make Taylor earn 100% of the position over time and do it in the professional thoughtful way... but apparently I did not realize how much blame Brad Miller deserved for the Mariners being 11 - 17.
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